How Salesforce, Microsoft and others are using AI agents to transform the world of work

9 days ago

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business landscape, making it essential for companies to have skilled AI professionals who can drive their digital transformation. AI agents, powered by advanced technologies, are revolutionizing how businesses operate by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and delivering valuable insights.

Innovative startups developing AI Agent platform, including CrewAI and agent framework on LangChain. Several existing IPAAS solutions are adding Agent Architecture to their frameworks, such as Workato recent announcements of Genie. These Agent frameworks allow you to directly integrate into any application with an API. More recently, the traditional SAAS providers have started to announce AI Agents built into their offering, such as the recent announcements from Salesforce around AgentForce.

What is a generative AI agent?

A generative AI agent is an AI-powered system that uses generative models, such as large language models (LLMs), to autonomously perform tasks, create content, provide personalized recommendations, and interact with users. Unlike traditional AI systems, which operate based on predefined rules and conditions, generative AI agents can generate new content and insights by understanding and learning from vast amounts of data. This ability allows them to perform complex tasks that mimic human interactions, such as drafting emails, generating reports, providing insights, and even conducting conversations.

These AI agents continuously learn and adapt, making them valuable assets in dynamic business environments where agility and quick decision-making are crucial.

How do AI agents help businesses?

Generative AI Agents are in their early days, but looking at these systems and how they can be incorporated into your workflows are very important as the space matures. Generative AI agents can bring numerous advantages to businesses by enhancing efficiency, driving innovation, and automating routine tasks:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks: AI agents can automate mundane tasks like data entry, scheduling, and customer support, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value work.

  • Enhanced decision-making: By analyzing large datasets in real-time, AI agents can provide actionable insights and recommendations, helping businesses make more informed decisions.

  • Personalized customer experiences: AI agents can deliver personalized customer interactions via chatbots, virtual assistants, and recommendation engines, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.

  • Improved collaboration and productivity: AI agents can manage projects, assign tasks, and provide updates, acting as virtual team members that help teams stay organized and productive.

  • Cost savings and efficiency gains: Automating tasks and reducing the need for human intervention in routine processes can lead to significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

How enterprise tech vendors are using AI agents

Tech giants like Microsoft and Salesforce are at the forefront of integrating AI agents into their platforms, enabling businesses to leverage these technologies to transform the way they operate.

Microsoft: Transforming work with proactive copilots

Microsoft is expanding the capabilities of its AI-powered Copilot platform by making AI agents more proactive and autonomous. Instead of waiting for user prompts, the new Copilot agents can automatically perform tasks in the background, such as monitoring email inboxes, handling IT help desk services, or managing employee onboarding. This shift transforms Copilot from a reactive assistant to a virtual employee capable of autonomously completing complex tasks.

  • Copilot Studio: Microsoft is introducing Copilot Studio, a new platform where businesses and developers can build and customize AI-powered Copilots tailored to specific needs. For example, an AI agent for employee onboarding could greet new hires, answer HR-related questions, introduce them to colleagues, schedule meetings, and handle administrative tasks – all autonomously.

  • Customization and data integration: Copilot agents will be able to work with a business's unique data, from internal systems like SharePoint and OneDrive to public websites. Microsoft is enabling businesses to build custom connectors that extend Copilot's functionality across various systems.

  • Team Copilot feature: Microsoft is also introducing a new Team Copilot feature, which allows AI agents to collaborate with groups by managing meeting agendas, taking notes, moderating team chats, and assigning tasks. This feature will be previewed later this year and represents a significant step toward AI-driven collaboration.

In an interview with Verge, Charles Lamanna, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President of Business Apps and Platforms, explained that this shift to more proactive AI agents is designed to automate mundane, repetitive tasks rather than replace jobs. "If someone did one thing over and over again, it probably would have already been automated by current technology," he said, emphasizing that the goal is to free employees to focus on more meaningful work.

Salesforce: AI-powered sales and customer engagement with Einstein GPT

Salesforce is leveraging its Einstein GPT platform to transform sales and customer engagement. Recently, the company announced two new AI-driven agents as part of its Sales Cloud platform:

  • Einstein SDR Agent: This AI agent acts like a Sales Development Representative (SDR) by autonomously engaging with inbound prospects, qualifying leads, and nurturing the sales pipeline around the clock. The Einstein SDR Agent can engage in turn-by-turn conversations, answer initial questions, and even schedule meetings by accessing a salesperson’s calendar. This helps sales teams focus on high-value tasks, such as closing deals, while the AI handles lead qualification.

  • Einstein Sales Coach Agent: The Sales Coach Agent is a virtual AI coach that assists salespeople in improving their pitches and sales strategies. It provides real-time feedback during mock sales scenarios and even during live online meetings. For example, if a competitor is mentioned, the agent can surface relevant competitive data, enabling the salesperson to respond more effectively.

Ketan Karkhanis, General Manager of Sales Cloud at Salesforce, told a press conference that these AI agents are not replacements for human salespeople but are designed to be “new team members” that help teams perform their jobs more efficiently. These tools are driven by Salesforce’s Data Cloud, which supports retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for more accurate and context-aware responses.

Other enterprise tech vendors are utilizing AI agents to stay ahead of their competition. They include IBM, which uses its AI platform, Watson, to provide a range of solutions, including AI-driven customer service agents, data analytics, and enterprise resource planning. Watson's capabilities include natural language processing and machine learning, which are integrated into various business processes. 

Another example is Oracle. The company has integrated AI into its cloud services and enterprise applications. Oracle's AI-driven solutions include intelligent chatbots for customer service, predictive analytics for business insights, and automation tools for various business operations.

How has K2 utilized AI agents?

K2 has recently been working on numerous AI agent innovations to drive our own digital transformation and offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients. Our Chief Technology Officer and Global AI Director, Chris Collins, has been at the forefront of these developments. “K2 has been working with agents since the beginning of 2024, deploying agentic technology from CrewAI as well as in-house built tools. We’re focusing on how we use agents to help people make good decisions,” said Collins.

“Our agents work alongside our employees, assessing their key performance indicators and making recommendations for their next steps. For us, making the agent work alongside our people helps with our ability to gain a competitive edge,” he added.

The future of work with AI agents

As Microsoft, Salesforce, and other tech giants continue to develop and integrate AI agents into their platforms, the potential for these technologies to revolutionize how we work is immense. By automating repetitive tasks, enhancing decision-making, and improving collaboration, AI agents can enable businesses to work smarter, drive innovation, and stay competitive.

As AI agents become more integrated into our work environments, the challenge will be to balance automation with human judgment, ensuring that AI serves as a tool for empowerment rather than displacement. The future of work with AI is not just about technology; it's about redefining roles, collaboration, and the way we think about productivity.


Generative AI agents are redefining the workplace by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and driving personalized customer experiences. With top tech organizations leading the charge, businesses are poised to transform how they operate, collaborate, and engage with customers. As we enter this new era of AI-driven workplaces, organizations that embrace these technologies today will be better equipped to thrive in the future.

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