Consultant of the Month - Ron Taylor

9 days ago

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​Each month, we recognize a K2 consultant whose outstanding performance, expertise, and unwavering commitment have led to outstanding client feedback on their recent projects. This month, the K2 Consultant of the Month is Ron Taylor, an SAP Project Systems Consultant. Find out more by reading his interview below:

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

"SAP PS/FI/CO/AM Consultant for over 25 years! I split my time between Dallas and Phoenix."

Tell us a little about your most recent K2 project.

"My work with K2 involved adding SAP Project Systems to an existing SAP environment. The key was to implement just enough to make their financial reporting easier without overwhelming the end users."

What do you enjoy most about your job?

"Working with people from around the globe and learning about different industries, from movie making to construction and industrial automation. I've always enjoyed teaching SAP and its wide functionality. I've been on project teams with members spread from California to Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil."

How do you think AI will impact your field over the next couple of years?

“Do I think a lot of work can be done by AI in initial SAP setups? Of course, and it probably should. However, understanding the nuances of business users' requirements - especially with international trade and localized tax or reporting requirements - will keep SAP consultants busy for a long time."

What advice would you give to someone who is starting out as a freelance IT consultant?

"First, find a great company to partner with, like K2! I've been a freelancer (mainly) for over 20 years, and K2 is a great company to work with. I wish I had found them earlier in my career. 

The next most important thing for a new freelancer to understand is that you have to have a strong balance sheet. Everyone gets excited about pay rates as a freelancer, but they don't always understand that there are business cycles and downtimes that require you to have cash. I'd also strongly suggest finding a good accountant to help with LLC setup and tax requirements."


If you’re an IT consultant looking for your next opportunity, or if you’re a client looking for help staffing a project, contact us today.